
ICF is committed to a growth strategy that helps us provide even better services and greater depth of expertise to our clients. We seek opportunities with leading firms that possess a strong cultural and strategic fit, helping to augment our industry offerings and support our client-focused solutions. Our strategic acquisitions to date have helped us solidify a leading and sustainable position in key markets important to our clients and the industries we serve.


  • CMY Solutions (CMY), a power and 能源 engineering firm that focuses on renewable planning, 公用事业数据分析, 以及帮助电网现代化的系统建模.


  • 创意系统与咨询(创意), a provider of IT modernization and digital transformation solutions to U.S. 联邦机构. Creative在Salesforce方面的专业知识, 微软, 和ServiceNow平台, complements ICF's ServiceNow and Appian capabilities.
  • SemanticBits是美国电子商务公司的主要合作伙伴.S. 联邦卫生机构 that provides a full suite of scalable digital modernization services using open-source frameworks, including end-to-end agile at scale development capabilities, 原生云解决方案, 数据分析和以人为本的设计.
  • 布兰顿 & Associates Inc .)., 环境咨询, planning and project management firm headquartered in Austin, 德州, that provides proven domain expertise in environmental regulatory compliance and permitting in the transportation, 可再生能源, 水和资源管理部门.


  • 企业科学与计算(ESAC), 高级健康分析的提供者, 研究 data management and bioinformatics solutions to U.S. 联邦卫生机构. Pairing ICF's 健康 and social services with ESAC's 健康 技术 solutions and applied understanding of genomics, proteomics and physical sciences advances ICF's digital 健康 solutions.  
  • Eco-Tech, an ecological 咨询 firm that supports clients with obtaining environmental documentation required for the construction and maintenance of roadways, 铁路, 机场, 以及其他配套基础设施. Eco-Tech在美国东部享有良好的声誉.S. complements ICF's strong relationships with federal and 状态 regulatory agencies.


  • Incentive 技术 Group, LLC (ITG), a provider of cloud-based platform services to the U.S. 联邦政府. 结合ICF的战略咨询, analytics and domain expertise with ITG’s digital capabilities helps agencies architect and develop the 技术 platforms they need to meet their missions.


  • DMS Disaster Consultants, a disaster planning and recovery services firm. DMS capabilities enhance and augment ICF’s disaster response, recovery and preparedness work in the public sector.
  • We are Vista, a leading UK-based creative communications agency. We are Vista strengthens ICF’s work in communications strategy, 研究, 数字订婚, 内容开发, 设计与美术指导.


  • 未来的客户, a London-based loyalty strategy and marketing company, 提供咨询功能, 设计 and experience-centric thinking for clients in retail, 媒体, 移动, 能源与健康.


  • 奥尔森, an integrated marketing 技术 and digital services provider based in the United States (U.S.)及加拿大. 奥尔森 provides customer experience solutions including communications, 设计, 广告, 数码及品牌服务.
  • CITYTECH公司., a global 技术 consultancy specializing in enterprise web experience management, 数字战略, 移动开发, 云计算实现, 管理服务和支持.
  • Mostra SA, 总部设在布鲁塞尔的主要通讯机构, 比利时, that provides strategic communications capabilities that complement our policy work.

In 2012, ICF收购GHK Holdings Limited, a London-based consultancy with offices across Europe and Asia that significantly increased our global presence and added capabilities in core ICF areas such as environment, 健康, 教育, 社会事业, 物流, 国际发展.


  • Ironworks Consulting, L.L.C., an interactive web development firm that provides strategy, 技术, and 设计 services in the development of large-scale, 复杂技术项目.
  • 马别克资源顾问有限公司.,a leading Canadian 能源 and environmental 咨询 firm that helped strengthen our position in 能源 efficiency, 可再生能源, 污染防治项目.


  • 宏国际公司., an advisory, implementation, and evaluation services firm providing 研究-based solutions to U.S. 联邦政府 agencies in 健康 and other areas.
  • 雅各 & Sundstrom公司., a 技术 security firm specializing in providing cybersecurity and identity management services to U.S. 联邦民用和国防机构.

2008年,ICF收购了Jones & 斯托克斯, 一家综合规划和资源管理公司, which expanded our environmental capabilities and offerings across strategic growth areas including transportation, 能源, 气候变化, 还有水资源.  


  • 能源与环境分析(EEA)公司., 总部设在阿灵顿, 维吉尼亚州, which enhanced our capabilities in alternative fuels such as natural gas, and in automotive emissions and fuel efficiency technologies that impact greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Advanced Performance Consulting Group (APCG), a Washington, D.C., 咨询 firm that enhanced our capabilities in federal organizational performance, 人力资本, 战略沟通咨询.
  • Z-Tech公司, 总部设在罗克维尔, 马里兰, an established leader in 健康 information and 健康 技术 services that expanded our ability to develop more effective 健康 information 技术, 健康的通信, 卫生政策分析, 健康信息交换中心.
  • SH&E, one of the world's largest 咨询 firms dedicated to air transport, 帮助我们公司成为航空公司的领导者, 机场, 以及航空业咨询. This has significantly strengthened our transportation service offerings with federal, 状态, 以及明升体育m88客户.


  • 协同公司., 领先的战略规划提供商, 分析, and 技术 solutions in defense command and control, 操作, 和物流.
  • 口径的同事, 在提供研究方面已确立的领导者, 咨询, and innovation in human services and human resource issues, 主要是U.S. 联邦政府客户.

2002年,ICF收购了Arthur D .的两个部门. 小:全球环境 & Risk (Americas) and Public Sector Program Management.